Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring Quarter

As basketball finished the schedule, the varsity’s four conference victories weren’t enough to qualify for post season play.  The B squad had a break-even season in which I felt I grew in confidence and ball handling ability.

Eastern’s spring sports included swimming, tennis, baseball and track.  Red coached track and he advised all basketball players to sign up.  It was his spring fitness program for next year’s team.  He had us running laps every day.  I wished he would have given us part of that time working on weights.  I felt that was part of my problem.  I couldn’t jump as high as most of the players.  I talked it over with the trainer, Ed Pillings, and he said he would talk to Red about it.  Nothing came of it as the end of spring quarter was near, and I was soon off to Montana for the summer where weight meant pitching hay, loading ties or chopping wood.
Spring quarter classes focused on science, physical science and earth science to be specific.  I had a third quarter of English composition and a fun I. A. class, wood turning.  I remember my wood turning in farm shop in high school.  This course was much more in depth.  Finally, I had Track and Baseball Rules and Officiating, a class to go along with my track PE class.

All grades were B’s except a C in physical science which surprised me.  I was glad to see the English grade back up.  These grades put me on the Freshman Honor Roll.

*Taken from "Which Road Should I Follow?, Volume 1, Growing up in the country", an autobiography by Edwin K. Hill.

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