Thursday, May 21, 2009

Music to work by #3

I'm sure most people have heard about multitasking. It's like a juggler keeping a number of balls in the air, all at the same time. I'm not much of a juggler and when it comes to working on a number of tasks at the same time it's not that easy for me. I'm sitting at the computer and composing this blog while at the same time I'm "ripping" CD albums into the computer. I really like music, classic rock, soft rock, jazz and some classical.

Over the years my collection has grown to several hundred discs. They have been stored in boxes under my bed which isn't the most convenient way to keep them. To solve the problem of access I am putting them in the computer and then will be able to play them through my sound system. This ripping is taking a great deal of time so that brings me back to multitasking.

If I could listen to the music while working on it every thing would be perfect. Every thing goes better with music. Well, I'll keep working on it and maybe there will be a major breakthrough.

Put some music in your life. Ed

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